Verizon Failed Most Basic Obligations Under The Law – RIAA


RIAA, representatives of labels suing Verizon for infringements, stated the ongoing lawsuit.

RIAA‘s chief legal officer Ken Doroshow stated, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act was designed to encourage creators and platforms to work together to deal with online piracy”.

“The plaintiffs did their part, identifying and informing Verizon of more than 340,000 instances of blatant copyright infringement by anonymous users of Verizon’s network. But Verizon chose to ignore this mass scale infringement and has failed its most basic obligations under the law,” he continued.

“By flouting the law and rejecting the path of cooperation, Verizon has forfeited any claim to DMCA immunity and compelled music creators to turn to the courts to protect their rights and their work, including the 17,335 infringed recordings identified in the Complaint.”

The labels are seeking damages of up to $150k per infringed recording. This translates to the possible maximum settlement if the plaintiffs win is $2.6 billion.

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