Announcement: A Week of Celebrating The Dance of Break Dancing Across The World


Dear Nigeria Breaking Community,

Breaking, or better known by the media as Break Dancing, has been added to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and a group of Break Dancers (Breakers) are launching a way to celebrate the art within the sport annually across the globe on October 1-7th.

• Breaking Week is a way to introduce our youth to a celebrated art form.

• The Week will engage our youth, focus on healthy activities, the history of the Breakin, and introductory lessons.

• Community organisations seeking to engage and launch their Breaking Week Celebration will have access to the Breaking Week portal, which contains a turn-key curriculum to be executed at the grassroots level.

• The curriculum includes worksheets, historical information, and dance lessons.

What is Breaking Week Celebration

It’s a chance for the community to unite, educate and celebrate the world phenomenon that continues to change lives on a daily basis. 

  • To celebrate the art form and sport together throughout the world
  • To have hundreds of events happening simultaneously, globally
  • To build and educate the community
  • To unite our culture globallyGive homage to those who paved the way
  • Create new avenues for the art/sport.
  • Create awareness before the Olympics & sustain the growth afterwards
  • Learn, Unite and Explore via the 4 Hip Hop Pillars (Love, Peace, Unity and Having Fun!)

“This is a great opportunity to celebrate the Hip Hop lifestyle around breaking while introducing a new sport to the next generation.” 

Thank you, 

The members of the Breaking Week Committee

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